
Showing posts from December, 2018

A human life is a movie inside a video game  God the Father exists outside of matter, energy, space and time, in eternity  He  creates past, present and future simultaneously  This means that the building and how it was constructed, came into being at the same time  Human lives are  ‘how the building was constructed’  A human life is a film of a video game . . The human - the character in the game, cannot change its outcome An outside force - the player, can affect the result  .  .  God the Father created  The Creation  for a purpose  It has value to him. He uses it to achieve an end  One of his ongoing occupations is improving  The finished Creation  This means that  your past, present, and future are continually changing . You just don’t know it  .  .  If your past, present and future were not continually changing then  time travel would never be possible The collective human imagination is convinced that  time travel  will happen – the human race is straining toward it. For that reason you sho

The importance of your Blood Line in TIME God the Father exists outside of matter, energy, space and time, in eternity   He creates past, present and future simultaneously  God the Father deliberately created everything that has happened and will happen in The Creation, including Adam, Eve, Satan, and their actions  .  .  God the Father is outside of matter, energy, space and time, looking at the entire history of The Creation from birth to death, as a completed piece of work  He spends his days altering, amending, and improving  The Creation  This means  your past is continuously changing, but you never know it happened  .  .  This is why Time Travel will happen in the future, which means you are currently being influenced by it  There is nothing a Time Traveler can do in our time, or past time, or any other time, that will matter  because our past and future is continuously being changed naturally . . Time Science relates to blood-lines A soul is not something on its own.

“Might the death of the innocent be the mercy/gift of god by granting them early access into heaven?” If time was sequential  and the events of life were happening for the first time ever, then ‘the death of the innocent’ would be either unexpected or the result of a divine decision However that is not how it happens . . God creates past, present and future simultaneously Once created, they stay The past remains in place. The present stays as it is. The future is set in concrete If it was any other way then  Time Travel would be impossible . . “The innocent who dies” is a character in the video game of life An outside player will agree to be that character from birth to death in order to temper or bring qualities to their spirit On other occasions others will play that character “The innocent” never stops being born and dieing and  many different players play that character . . Players are usually of the same blood-line as the character . . Before any humans start whingeing about the future being “set in stone” the past , present and future of the chara

”What do we know of our galaxy and the universe? How is it that we exist?”

.  . “The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our solar system  The Milky Way contains between 200 and  400 billion stars  and at least  100 billion planets ” .  .  ”According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least  one hundred billion galaxies  in the observable universe. They've counted the galaxies in a particular region, and multiplied this up to estimate the number for the whole universe” .  .  ”Think the Milky Way is big? It's puny compared to M87, an elliptical galaxy 980,000 light years in diameter. The Milky Way is only 100,000 light years in diameter. Let's not even get into Hercules A, which is  1.5 million light years across ”  .  .  If a God created everything that exists  then everything that he created took effort  And to make the universe so brain-explodingly huge, took him considerable effort  Therefore  the hugeness o

“Are all the technologies in this world a blessing from God, a snare by Satan, or just the creation of humans?”

. . Everything was sweet, right up until the Internal Combustion Engine Horse-drawn transport = no problem Water-power machinery = OK if localised Petrol Engine  and above =  more bad than good . . If Time Travel exists at any point in the future - no matter how distant, you know three things straight away … First Once discovered it will quickly develop into a powerful ‘no limit’ technology Second Somewhere in the future world some group of humans  are  going to abuse it, which means  you, personally will suffer Third The effects of that abuse are already happening right here,  right now . . Q : Is there any evidence of  Time Travelers  in your newspapers? A : Why people think that UFOs are aliens from another planet I have no idea. You only have to look into the night sky to see the nonsense of that idea. Look at the number of stars. Imagine trying to find a particular planet in that lot. Because the mass of stars you can see with your eyes goes on and on and on and on and on and on

Where do UFOs come from?

. . I have no doubt that  UFOs exist  but they certainly don’t come from an alien civilization One proof of the existence of God is that the only way you could  hide your planet better is to make it invisible . . Within your galaxy, ‘The Milky Way’, your Earth cannot be reached, found, discovered or located The only way an  angel  can find it is if Heaven (God) sends a beam they can follow . . Human scientists have calculated (with usual human precision) that there are between 100 billions stars and 400 billion stars in your galaxy That means that when you are  travelling through space  you are surrounded by so many solar masses it is impossible to count them, and that goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on . . Only humans would give credence to the idea that an alien civilization could locate them and, having done so, want to visit them Planet Earth stinks . There is a tortured psychic stench that emanates into space from your planet like cholera . . Over 56 billion farmed