A human life is a movie inside a video game


 God the Father exists outside of matter, energy, space and time, in eternity

 He creates past, present and future simultaneously
 This means that the building and how it was constructed, came into being at the same time
 Human lives are ‘how the building was constructed’
 A human life is a film of a video game
The human - the character in the game, cannot change its outcome
An outside force - the player, can affect the result
 God the Father created The Creation for a purpose
 It has value to him. He uses it to achieve an end
 One of his ongoing occupations is improving The finished Creation
 This means that your past, present, and future are continually changing. You just don’t know it
 If your past, present and future were not continually changing then time travelwould never be possible
The collective human imagination is convinced that time travel will happen – the human race is straining toward it. For that reason you should know that what I say is true
 God the Father continually improves The Creation in two ways
 A human life is a film of a video game
 Those in the Upper Heaven may select any human life anytime in history as long as it will improve their spirit … and they live that life from birth to death
They play that character in the game, and, as an outside force, affect the result
 That process, on the massive scale it is carried out, improves The Creation

 It is normal to select a life in the past, present or future of your own blood line
 The reason for The Creation is to select certain blood lines for a purpose of God’s
 As the final phase of The Creation approaches, the blood lines try to improve their condition
 They use time travel to go back and try to correct errors, by helping and influencing their ancestors – you. If you conduct any practical experiments at all, you will discover that good conduct is mysteriously rewarded and bad conduct is mysteriously punished.
 That process, on the massive scale it is carried out, also improves The Creation
Predestination is real in that The Creation has already been completed
 Free Will is the method by which The Creation is continually improved by the action and influence of ‘outside’ forces
 The Creation is improved by altering its past, present and future

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The entire Creation is a Virtual Reality video game 


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